1. Rinse and clean vegetables and fruits thoroughly first. Peel and remove core if
needed. Cut food into small pieces for fitting into the feeding channel of the
protective cover. (We suggest to cut food no bigger than 2" long and ¾" wide;
slightly adjust the size of food for it to fit the channel.)
2. Turn switch to ON position. Use food plunger to press down fruits and vegetables
GENTLY into juice extractor. Process soft-textured fruits first (such as melon and
peach), followed by firmer fruits and vegetables (such as carrots and celery).
IMPORTANT: Do not force the food into the cutter/strainer, instead, use firm but
moderate pressure.
3. Use juice collector to collect juice.
4. To empty the pulp container: turn juice extractor to OFF position. Use handle to
remove the pulp collector and discard the pulp. Rinse the container with water and
put it back to the place. For best results, empty pulp container when it is ¾ filled.
Hand form leafy vegetables such as spinach and parsley into compact (ball) shapes
first, and feed into the feeding channel.
Always serve juice immediately. The vitamin content of juice decreases when juices
are stored. If necessary, cover the juice container tightly with food wraps and store it
in refrigerator. Do not store over 24 hours.
Add a few spoonfuls of lemon juice in your juice collector before juicing to keep
juices from discoloring.
When preparing large quantity of fruits and vegetables to make juice, check pulp
container after processing 2 lbs. of food.
Do not use this juice extractor to extract juices from avocado, banana and
Use layers of cheesecloth to filter juice if clear juice is desired.
When processing moist, leafy vegetables or extract a large amount of fruits and
vegetables, the area between the cutter/strainer and the separating unit may
become clogged. If the juice extractor becomes clogged or vibrates excessively,
turn the unit to OFF position, unplug cord and allow the cutter/strainer to stop
completely. Empty the pulp completely and replace cover and fasten the cover
latches. It is now ready to continue to process juice.
Always make sure that the cutter/strainer is securely placed on the
separating unit and the motor base in order to have the juice extractor
function properly.
Some pulp remaining in juice is normal, which increases the nutritive
value of the juice.