IKEA finputsad 사용 설명서 - 페이지 14

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IKEA finputsad 사용 설명서
Чистка и уход
Cleaning and maintenance
ВНИМАНИЕ: Перед любыми действиями по чистке и
ATTENTION: Always unplug the appliance when cleaning it
обслуживанию прибора отключите его от электросети. Не
and when performing maintenance work. Do not use flammable
используйте легковоспламеняющиеся жидкости для чистки
liquids to clean the machine.
Чистка посудомоечной машины
Any marks on the inside of the appliance may be
Любые следы на внутренних поверхностях прибора можно
removed using a cloth dampened with water and
удалить тканью, смоченной в слабом растворе уксуса.
a little vinegar.
Внешние поверхности машины и панель управления можно
The external surfaces of the machine and the
чистить неабразивной салфеткой, смоченной водой. Не
control panel can be cleaned using a non-abrasive
используйте растворители и абразивные средства.
cloth which has been dampened with water. Do
not use solvents or abrasive products.
Предотвращение неприятных запахов
Всегда держите дверцу прибора слегка приоткрытой, чтобы
предотвратить образование конденсата в моечной камере.
Always keep the door of the appliance ajar in order to avoid mo-
Регулярно протирайте уплотнители дверцы и дозаторы
isture from forming and being trapped inside the machine.
моющего средства влажной губкой. Это исключит накопление
Clean the seals around the door and detergent dispensers regu-
остатков пищи на уплотнителях, что является основной
larly using a damp sponge. This will avoid food becoming trapped
причиной неприятных запахов.
in the seals, which is the main cause behind the formation of
unpleasant odours.
Проверка заливного шланга
Регулярно проверяйте заливной шланг на предмет трещин
и потери эластичности. В случае обнаружения повреждений
Check the inlet hose regularly for brittleness and cracks. If dama-
замените поврежденный шланг новым — его можно
ged, replace it by a new hose available through our After-Sales
приобрести в сервисном центре или у специализированного
Service or your specialist dealer. Depending on the hose type:
дилера. Могут использоваться шланги различных типов:
Regularly clean the filter assembly so that the filters do not clog
and that the waste water flows away correctly.
Using dishwasher with clogged filters or foreign objects inside fil-
tration system or sprayarms may cause unit malfunction resulting
Если заливной шланг имеет прозрачное покрытие, следите за
If the inlet hose has a transparent coating, periodically check if
in lose of performance, noisy work or higher resources usage.
The filter assembly consists of three filters which remove food
тем, чтобы на нем не было пятен. Их наличие может указывать
the colour intensifies locall . If yes, the hose may have a leak and
residues from the washing water and then recirculate the water:
на утечку. В этом случае шланг следует заменить.
should be replaced.
to obtain the best washing results, you need to keep them clean.
For water stop hoses: check the small safety valve inspection
Для шлангов с защитой «аквастоп» : регулярно проверяйте
The dishwasher must not be used without filters or if the
window (see arrow). If it is red, the water stop function was trig-
состояние защитного клапана через маленькое смотровое
filter is loose.
At least once per month or after each 30 cycles, check the filter
gered, and the hose must be replaced by a new one.
окошко (показано стрелкой). Если в нем виден красный цвет,
assembly and if necessary clean it thoroughly under running water,
pull it out (Fig 1).
For unscrewing this hose, press the release button while unscre-
сработала функция защиты от протечки — шланг необходимо
using a non-metallic brush and following the instructions below:
wing the hose.
заменить. Чтобы открутить шланг, нажмите и удерживайте
1. Turn the cylindrical filter A in an anti-clockwise direction and
side flaps (Fig 2).
pull it out (Fig 1).
кнопку фиксатора.
2. Remove the cup filter B by exerting a slight pressure on the
side flaps (Fig 2).
If the water hoses are new or have not been used for an exten-
lain, bones, fruit seeds etc.) please remove them carefully.
Чистка заливного шланга
3. Slide out the stainless-steel plate filter C (Fig 3).
ded period of time, let the water run to make sure it is clear and
Если шланги новые или не использовались в течение долгого
4. In case you find foreign objects (such as broken glass, porce-
REMOVE the wash-cycle pump protection (black detail) (Fig 4).
free of impurities before performing the necessary connections. If
lain, bones, fruit seeds etc.) please remove them carefully.
времени, промойте их водой от возможных загрязнений
5. Inspect the trap and remove any food residues. NEVER
this precaution is not taken, the water inlet could become blocked
перед подсоединением. Несоблюдение данной меры
REMOVE the wash-cycle pump protection (black detail) (Fig 4).
and damage the dishwasher.
предосторожности может привести к засору заливного
патрубка и повреждению посудомоечной машины.
Regularly clean the filter assembly so that the filters do not clo
Чистка фильтрующего узла
and that the waste water flows away correctl .
Регулярно очищайте фильтрующий узел, чтобы предотвратить
Using dishwasher with clogged filters or foreign objects inside fil-
засорение фильтров и затруднения при отводе воды.
tration system or sprayarms may cause unit malfunction resulting
Использование посудомоечной машины с засоренными
in lose of performance, noisy work or higher resources usage.
фильтрами или посторонними предметами внутри системы
The filter assembly consists of three filters which remove foo
фильтрации или разбрызгивателей может привести к
residues from the washing water and then recirculate the water:
неисправности прибора, что влечет за собой снижение
to obtain the best washing results, you need to keep them clean.
производительности, повышение уровня шума при работе и
The dishwasher must not be used without filters or if the
более интенсивное потребление ресурсов.
filter is loose.
Фильтрующий узел состоит из трех фильтров, которые удаляют
At least once per month or after each 30 cycles, check the filter
остатки пищи из воды перед ее повторной подачей в моечную
assembly and if necessary clean it thoroughly under running
камеру. Для достижения качественных результатов мойки
water, using a non-metallic brush and following the instructions
поддерживайте их в чистоте.
Не используйте посудомоечную машину без фильтров
1. Turn the cylindrical filter A in an anti-clockwise direction and
или с ослабленным креплением фильтров.
pull it out (Fig 1).
Не реже раза в месяц или после каждых 30 циклов проверяйте
фильтрующий узел и при необходимости тщательно очищайте
его под проточной водой, используя неметаллическую щетку.
In case your dishwasher doesn't work properly, check if the problem can be solved by going through the following list.
For other errors or issues please contact authorized After-sales Service which contact details can be found in the warranty
При этом действуйте согласно следующим инструкциям:
booklet. The manufacturer ensures the availability of spare parts for at least 10 years after production date of this appliance.
Salt reservoir is empty. (After refill
Salt indicator is lit
the salt indicator may remain lit for
Salt reservoir is empty. (After refill
several wash cycles).
Salt indicator is lit
the salt indicator may remain lit for
several wash cycles).
After cleaning the filters, re-place the filter assembly and fix it in
position correctly; this is essential for maintaining the efficient
operation of the dishwasher.
After cleaning the filters, re-place the filter assembly and fix it in
position correctly; this is essential for maintaining the efficient
On occasions, food residue may
operation of the dishwasher.
become encrusted onto the spray
arms and block the holes used
to spray the water. It is therefore
On occasions, food residue may
recommended that you check the
become encrusted onto the spray
arms from time to time and clean
arms and block the holes used
them with a small non-metallic
to spray the water. It is therefore
recommended that you check the
arms from time to time and clean
To remove the upper spray arm,
them with a small non-metallic
turn the plastic locking ring in an
anti-clockwise direction.
To remove the upper spray arm,
The upper spray arm should be replaced so that the side with the
turn the plastic locking ring in an
greater number of holes is facing upwards.
anti-clockwise direction.
The upper spray arm should be replaced so that the side with the
The lower spray arm may be
greater number of holes is facing upwards.
removed by pulling it upwards.
The lower spray arm may be
removed by pulling it upwards.
Water softener automatically reduces water hardness, conse-
quently preventing scale buildup on heater, contributing also to
better cleaning efficiency. This system regenerates itself with
Water softener automatically reduces water hardness, conse-
quently preventing scale buildup on heater, contributing also to
salt, therefore it is required to refill salt container when empty.
better cleaning efficiency. This system regenerates itself with
Frequency of regeneration depends on water hardness level set-
salt, therefore it is required to refill salt container when empty.
ting - by default regeneration takes place once per 5 Eco cycles
Frequency of regeneration depends on water hardness level set-
with water hardness level set to 3. Regeneration process starts in
ting - by default regeneration takes place once per 5 Eco cycles
final rinse and finishes in drying phase, before cycle ends.
with water hardness level set to 3. Regeneration process starts in
• Single regeneration consumes: ~3.5L of water;
final rinse and finishes in drying phase, before cycle ends.
• Takes up to 5 additional minutes for the cycle;
• Single regeneration consumes: ~3.5L of water;
• Consumes below 0.005kWh of energy.
• Takes up to 5 additional minutes for the cycle;
• Consumes below 0.005kWh of energy.
Refill reservoir with salt (for more information - see page 8).
Adjust water hardness - see table, page 8.
Refill reservoir with salt (for more information - see page 8).
Adjust water hardness - see table, page 8.
Regularly clean the filter assembly so that the filters do not clog
and that the waste water flows away correctly.
Using dishwasher with clogged filters or foreign objects inside fil-
tration system or sprayarms may cause unit malfunction resulting
in lose of performance, noisy work or higher resources usage.
The filter assembly consists of three filters which remove food
residues from the washing water and then recirculate the water:
to obtain the best washing results, you need to keep them clean.
Поверните против часовой стрелки цилиндрический
2. Remove the cup filter B by exerting a slight pressure on the
The dishwasher must not be used without filters or if the
фильтр A и выньте его (рис. 1).
side flaps (Fig 2).
filter is loose.
Выньте стакан фильтра B, слегка нажав на боковые
At least once per month or after each 30 cycles, check the filter
3. Slide out the stainless-steel plate filter C (Fig 3).
assembly and if necessary clean it thoroughly under running water,
язычки (рис. 2).
4. In case you find foreign objects (such as broken glass, porc -
using a non-metallic brush and following the instructions below:
lain, bones, fruit seeds etc.) please remove them carefully.
Выньте плоский фильтр из нержавеющей стали C
1. Turn the cylindrical filter A in an anti-clockwise direction and
5. Inspect the trap and remove any food residues. NEVER RE-
(рис. 3).
pull it out (Fig 1).
MOVE the wash-cycle pump protection (black detail) (Fig 4).
При обнаружении посторонних предметов (осколков
2. Remove the cup filter B by exerting a slight pressure on the
стекла, фарфора, костей, семян фруктов и пр.)
side flaps (Fig 2).
аккуратно извлеките их.
3. Slide out the stainless-steel plate filter C (Fig 3).
4. In case you find foreign objects (such as broken glass, porce-
Осмотрите отстойник и удалите из него любые остатки
lain, bones, fruit seeds etc.) please remove them carefully.
пищи. НИКОГДА НЕ УДАЛЯЙТЕ защиту рабочего насоса
5. Inspect the trap and remove any food residues. NEVER
(деталь черного цвета) (рис. 4).
REMOVE the wash-cycle pump protection (black detail) (Fig 4).
After cleaning the filters, replace the filter assembly and fix it
position correctly; this is essential for maintaining the efficient
operation of the dishwasher.
По окончании очистки фильтров установите узел фильтров
на место и зафиксируйте в правильном положении. Это
важно для исправной работы посудомоечной машины.
In case your dishwasher doesn't work properly, check if the problem can be solved
On occasions, food residue may
For other errors or issues please contact authorized After-sales Service which con
become encrusted onto the
Чистка лопастей-
booklet. The manufacturer ensures the availability of spare parts for at least 10 yea
spray arms and block the holes
used to spray the water. It is
Иногда остатки пищи
therefore recommended that you
могут попадать на лопасти-
check the arms from time to time
Salt indicator is lit
разбрызгиватели и блокировать
and clean them with a small
отверстия подачи воды. По этой
non-metallic brush.
причине рекомендуется время от
To remove the upper spray arm,
Rinse aid indicator is lit
времени проверять и очищать
turn the plastic locking ring in an
лопасти при помощи маленькой
anti-clockwise direction.
неметаллической щетки.
The upper spray arm should be
The dishwasher won't start or
Для снятия верхней лопасти
replaced so that the side with
does not respond to com-
поверните пластмассовое
the greater number of holes is
удерживающее кольцо против
facing upwards.
часовой стрелки. Устанавливайте
верхнюю лопасть так, чтобы сторона
The lower spray arm may be
с большим количеством отверстий
removed by pulling it upwards.
была обращена вверх.
Нижнюю лопасть можно снять, потянув ее вверх.
Система умягчения воды
Умягчитель воды автоматически снижает жесткость воды,
предотвращая образование накипи на нагревательном
элементе, что также способствует повышению
Water softener automatically reduces water hardness, conse-
эффективности очистки. Система осуществляет
quently preventing scale buildup on heater, contributing also to
регенерацию с помощью соли, поэтому необходимо
better cleaning efficienc . This system regenerates itself with salt,
наполнять контейнер для соли по мере его опорожнения.
therefore it is required to refill salt container when empt . Frequen-
Частота регенераций зависит от установленного уровня
cy of regeneration depends on water hardness level setting - by
жесткости воды, по умолчанию регенерация происходит
default regeneration takes place once per 5 Eco cycles with water
один раз в 5 циклов Eco, если установлен уровень
hardness level set to 3. Regeneration process starts in final rins
жесткости воды 3. Процесс регенерации начинается во
and finishes in drying phase, before cycle ends
время завершающего ополаскивания и заканчивается на
Single regeneration consumes: ~3.5L of water; takes up to 5 addi-
этапе сушки до окончания цикла. Для одной регенерации
tional minutes for the cycle; consumes below 0.005kWh of energy.
~3,5 л воды;
5 дополнительных минут ко времени цикла;
расход электроэнергии менее 0,005 кВт.
Salt reservoir is empty. (After refill
the salt indicator may remain lit for
several wash cycles).
Rinse aid dispenser is empty. (After
refill the rinse aid indicator may
remain lit for several wash cycles).
The appliance has not been
plugged in properly.
Power outage.
The dishwasher door is not closed.
It does not respond to commands.
Display shows: 9 or 12 and
On/Off LED is blinking rapidly.
After cleaning the fi
position correctly; t
operation of the dis
On occasions, food
become encrusted
arms and block the
to spray the water.
recommended that
arms from time to t
them with a small n
To remove the upp
turn the plastic lock
anti-clockwise direc
The upper spray ar
greater number of h
The lower spray ar
removed by pulling
Water softener auto
quently preventing
better cleaning effic
salt, therefore it is
Frequency of regen
ting - by default reg
with water hardnes
final rinse and finish
• Single regenera
• Takes up to 5 ad
• Consumes below
Refill reservoir with salt
Adjust water hardness
Refill dispenser with rin
Insert the plug into the
The dishwasher starts a
Vigorously push the do
Switch off the appliance
on after approximately
If problem persists, unp