AVPro Edge AC-DA28-AUHD User Manual - Page 14

Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Cables and connectors AVPro Edge AC-DA28-AUHD. AVPro Edge AC-DA28-AUHD 20 pages. 18gbps 2x8 distribution amp with 2 output zones, hdr


Web Interface: System Settings

IP Settings:
Set network settings such as:
• Static IP
• Subnet Mask
• Router IP
• TCP Port
• Enable DHCP

RS-232 and TCP/IP Commands

The AC-DA28-AUHD can be controlled with either RS-232 or TCP/IP commands. Certain switching or
format configurations can only be done using these commands. We recommend using either the MyUART
(RS-232 - free) or Hercules (TCP/IP - free) apps as they are very easy to use for sending commands to the
MyUart is availble for download on our website https://www.avproedge.com/drivers.html
For TCP/IP control commands use Telnet Port 23.
For RS-232, use a null modem serial cable adapter and set the serial communications to: 57600,n,8,1 (baud:
57600, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit) with no handshaking.
Please add a return (Enter key) after each command when using direct commands. .
The unified command list (ASCII) is listed on the next page.
Port Alias Settings:
Rename inputs and outputs for easy management. Each
custom name is limited to eight (8) characters.
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