Dell PowerEdge C5220 Test Report - Page 11

Browse online or download pdf Test Report for Server Dell PowerEdge C5220. Dell PowerEdge C5220 13 pages. Poweredge series
Also for Dell PowerEdge C5220: Technical Manual (32 pages), Portfolio Manual (27 pages)

Dell PowerEdge C5220 Test Report
ssh 192.168.1.$i chown hdfs:hadoop '/dfs/{d1,d2,n1,n2,s1,s2}' \;
23. Return to the Cloudera Manager in the browser.
24. On the Services screen, click Add a Service.
25. On the Select the type of service you want screen, select HDFS, and click Continue.
26. Accept the default host assignments for HDFS (eight DataNodes and one each of NameNode, Secondary
NameNode and Balancer nodes) and click Continue.
27. Review the configuration changes, and click Continue.
28. On the Services screen, click Add a Service.
29. On the Select the type of service you want screen, select MapReduce, and click Continue.
30. On the Select the set of dependencies for your new service, select HDFS, and click Continue.
31. Accept the default host assignments for HDFS (eight TaskTrackers and one JobTracker nodes) and click Continue.
32. Review the configuration changes, and click Continue.
Running the MapReduce benchmark
1. Log onto one of the Hadoop nodes as root.
2. Switch login shell to the mapred user:
su - mapred
3. Invoke mrbench, providing the necessary parameters. In our tests, we ran mrbench with varying sizes of data,
maps, and reduces, which we specify in the report. For example, to process one file containing 16,000 lines of
data with 160 maps and 16 reduce processes, use the following parameters:
hadoop jar hadoop-test.jar
CentOS 6.2 base installation
1. Insert and boot from the CentOS-6.2-x86_64-bin-DVD1 installation DVD.
2. At the welcome screen, select Install or upgrade an existing system, and press Enter.
3. At the Media test screen, select Skip, and press Enter.
4. At the CentOS 6 title screen, click Next.
5. At the Choose an Installation Language screen, select English, and click Next.
6. At the Keyboard Type screen, select U.S. English, and click Next.
7. At the Storage Devices screen, select Basic Storage Devices, and click Next.
8. If a warning for device initialization appears, select Yes, discard any data.
9. At the Name the Computer screen, type the host name, and click Configure Network.
10. At the Network Connections screen, select the server's main or management network interface, and click Edit.
11. At the Editing network interface screen, check Connect Automatically.
12. On the same screen, Select the IPv4 Settings tab, change the Method to Manual, and click Add.
13. On the same screen, enter the IP address, Netmask, Gateway, and DNS server. Click Apply.
14. Click Close on the Network Connections screen, and click Next on the Name the Computer screen.
15. At the Time zone selection screen, select the appropriate time zone, and click Next.
16. Enter the root password in the Root Password and Confirm fields, and click Next.
17. At the Partition selection screen, select Replace Existing Linux System(s), and click Next.
18. If a warning appears, click Write changes to disk.
Dell PowerEdge C5220: Hadoop MapReduce Performance
chown mapred:hadoop '/mapred/{local,jt}'
mrbench -maps 160
-reduces 16 -inputLines 16000
A Principled Technologies test report 11