DIGISYNTHETIC DS34 User Manual - Page 6

Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Computer Hardware DIGISYNTHETIC DS34. DIGISYNTHETIC DS34 14 pages. Digital speaker processor

Operation Instruction
Parameter setting in input channel.
GAIN & MUTE:press IMUTE] to adjust MUTE or cancel MUTE.
Tum the small rotatory button to adjust the GAIN.
1.2 EQ:Press [TYPE] or IFILTERNO] to enter EQ menu. Press IFILTER NO]
to shift EQ. Press [CH-] .
[CH+1 to shift channel.
Type:Press ITYPE] to shift EQ type:PEQ .
Low-Shelf .
High-Shelf .
NOTE:EQ type shift only can be operated when EQ and GAIN is 0dB, Othenilise,
the LCD will retum to current screen after display a caution.
Freq: tum tn'nfq1 in PEQ FILIER to adjust EQ frequency, tum IFAST/EDIT]
to adjust fastly.
Gain:turn IGAIN] in PEQFILTER to adjust EQ gain,it's unavailable while EQ type
is All-Pass.
Q:nrm [Q] in PEQ FILTER to adjust EQ Q value, it's unavailable while EQ rype
Parameter setting in output channel-
2. I GAIN & MUTE: press IMUTEI to adjust MUTE or cancel MUTE.
Tirm the small rotatory button to adjust the GAIN.
2.2 Limit:press [LIMIT] to enter,/quit LIMIT set, meanwhile the indicator light uploff
press[PUSfyENTER] to shift Limit Threshold .
Attack Time .
Limit Hold Time .
Limit Release Time "
turn the small rotatory
button to adjusi parameter value.
2.3 Delay.press [DELAY] to enter,/quit Delay set, meanwhile the indicator light up,/off
tum the small rotatory button to adjust parameter value.
2.4 Phase:press IPHASE] to ufter/quit Phase set, meanwhile the indicator light up,zoff ,
hrrn the small rotatory button to adjust parameter value.
2.5 FIPF & LPF:press [HPF/LPF] to enter FIPF set, press[FIPF/LPF] again to shift HPF
and LPF. Tum IFREQ] in CROSSOVER to adjust HPF and LPF frequency, tum
ISLOPE] in crossover to adjust HPF and LPF slope.
2.6 E0:&,erational reans with Parameter setting in input channel.
Function operafion
3. 1 Store
Press [STORE] to enter prograrn store menu. If the program locked, show as Fig. I
and then reftire to main menu.
Program sector
l o c k e d
Fig 1