Nikon LABOPHOT-2 Instructions Manual - Page 17

Browse online or download pdf Instructions Manual for Microscope Nikon LABOPHOT-2. Nikon LABOPHOT-2 33 pages.

Nikon LABOPHOT-2 Instructions Manual
1 ) Use of Focusing Device
The turn ng d reci on of the knob and the directlon of vert cal
movement of the stage are shown n Fig. 4.
One rotaton ofthef ne focus knob movesthe stage 0.1mm and the
graduation on the fine focus knob s I micron. One rolation of the
coafse focls knob moves the stage 12mm. The range of coarse
and f ne motion is 2mm up and 28mm down from rhe standard
The coarse tocus knob tightens by turnlng the torque adjustment r ng
counrerc ocKWrse.
Never turn the riqht or left knob while holdinq the other. lt mav
cause prootems.
Do not turn the coarse focus knob Iurther than the limit.
F t g . 4
1 6