Artistic Licence netLynx quad User Manual - Page 8

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Artistic Licence netLynx quad User Manual
netLynx quad is able to merge two streams of data to a DMX output. Depending on the settings,
merge can operate as HTP/LTP or Priority.
In HTP (highest takes precedence), the levels of each channel in the two streams are compared
and the highest value is used.
In LTP (latest takes precedence), the levels of each channel in the two streams is compared to
the output; if there is a change, that level is output.
In Priority, the sACN Priority field defines which universe will be output.
If two streams from different IP addresses are directed to the same Port-Address, merging will
occur. If more streams are directed to the same Port-Address, they will be ignored.
Merging can operate with both unicast and multicast data.
If two streams from different IP addresses are directed to the same universe, the priority field
is checked and the stream with the highest priority is output. If the priority field in both streams
is identical, merging will occur.
If additional stream(s) are directed to the same universe, any additional stream with higher
priority will take precedence. If the priority is identical to the merging streams, it will be ignored.
DMX Input
A DMX input can be merged with an Art-Net stream, an sACN stream or another DMX input.
The table below summarises the merging operation.
Please refer to Application Note "0130 Gateway merging" for details:
Table: Merging operation
netLynx quad User Guide
Page 8