GREAT ARBOR GAC-300 Manual do utilizador - Página 4

Procurar online ou descarregar pdf Manual do utilizador para Router de rede GREAT ARBOR GAC-300. GREAT ARBOR GAC-300 4 páginas. Wifi dial up router

Select   t he   i ncoming   p rotocols   ( TCP,   U DP,   T CP   a nd   U DP   o r   c ustom   I P   p rotocol   n ame),   t he   p orts,   a nd   t he   I P   a ddress   o f   t he   s erver   o n   t he   L AN   ( Internal   I P   a ddress)   t hat   t he   t raffic   i s   t o  
be   r edirected   t o.   F or   e xample,   f or   a   w eb   s erver   o n   t he   L AN,   t he   p rotocol   i s   T CP   a nd   w ith   p ort   b eing   8 0.   P ress   A dd   a nd   t hen   S ave   &   A pply   t o   s ave   t he   c hanges.    

Compatible ISPs

Most   d ialup   I SPs   a re   c ompatible   w ith   L inux   a nd   t he   G AC-­‐ 3 00   e ven   t hough   t hey   m ay   s tate   t hat   t hey   d o   n ot   o ffer   c ustomer   s upport   f or   L inux.     E xceptions   a re   N etZero/Juno   a nd   A ol  
who   r ely   o n   s pecial   d ialer   s oftware   a nd   a re   i ncompatible.   I n   g eneral,   t he   h ighest   s peed   w ill   b e   a chieved   w ith   I SPs   w ho   s upport   V .92   a ccess.     T he   I SPs   w ho   a re   k nown   t o   w ork   a re:,   T,   S,   C,   S,   D elmarva   O nline,   A T&T,   M SN,   T elus(Canada),   a nd   P eoplePC.  


I can't get connected to the Router
First   m ake   s ure   t hat   t he   W iFi   c onnection   t o   t he   r outer   a t   I P   a ddress   1   i s   e stablished.   T o   v erify,   t ype   t he   c ommand   p ing   1   o n   y our   P C.   L ack   o f   a   r esponse   i ndicates  
that   t he   W iFi   c onnection   i s   n ot   m ade   a nd   y ou   m ay   h ave   t o   r escan   f or   n etworks   a nd   r econnect   t o   O penWrt.   I f   y ou   c an't   m ake   t he   W iFi   c onnection,   c onnect   y our   P C   v ia   t he   L AN  
connection   t o   t he   r outer   a nd   t ry   t he   p ing   t est   a gain.  
The Internet LED (Globe) does not start flashing 2-­3 minutes after power up
This   i ndicates   t here   i s   a   p roblem   i n   c onnecting   t o   y our   I SP.   E nsure   t hat   t he   b lack   m odem   i s   c onnected   t o   t he   U SB   p ort   o f   t he   r outer   a nd   t hat   t he   m odem   i s   c onnected   t o   t he   p hone  
line.   M ake   s ure   t hat   n o   o ne   e lse   i s   u sing   t he   p hone   w hen   y ou   d ial   u p.     A lso   c onfigure   s ome   o ther   I SP   a ccess   p hone   n umber   i n   c ase   t he   o riginal   n umber   i s   b usy.  
In   m any   c ases,   y ou   w ill   h ave   t o   l ook   a t   t he   D ialup   S tatus   S creen   t o   d iagnose   f urther.     C lick   S tatus   a nd   t hen   c lick   t he   D ialup   o ption     o n   t he   u pper   r ight.     T he   p age   d isplays   t he   s tatus   o f  
the   c onnection   s uch   a s   " No   D ialtone",   " Waiting   t o   C onnect",     o r     " Modem   c onnected   t o   f ar   e nd   -­‐   D oing   P assword   A uthentication".     I f   P PP   a uthentication   f ails,   c heck   t he   I SP   a ccount  
user   n ame   a nd   p assword.   F or   f urther   a ssistance,   s elect   t he   l ines   o n   t he   w eb   p age   a nd   C opy/Paste   i t   i nto   a n   E mail   t o:   s [email protected]   u sing   n ormal   P C   c ommands   ( On  
Windows,   y ou   c an   u se   C ntrl-­‐ A   f or   S elect   A ll,   C ntrl-­‐ C   f or   C opy,   a nd   C ntrl-­‐ V   f or   P aste).   A lso   s end   t he   r outer   c onfiguration   a s   a n   a ttachment   t o   t he   s upport   e mail.     T he   r outer   c onfiguration  
is   o btained   b y   c licking   S ystem,   a nd   t hen   c licking   B ackup/Flash   F irmware.   S elect   G enerate   a rchive   t o   c reate   a   f ile   w hich   c an   b e   a ttached   t o   t he   e mail.  
I made some changes to the router and it doesn't work any more
Use   t he   R eset   t o   d efaults   o ption   i n   t he   B ackup/Flash   F irmware   p age   t o   g o   b ack   t o   t he   f actory   c onfiguration.   A nother   w ay   t o   r eset   t o   d efaults   i s   t o   p ress   t he   r eset   b utton   f or   8   s econds.  
All   t he   L EDs   w ill   g o   o ff   a nd   t hen   t he   S YS   L ED   ( next   t o   t he   P WR   L ED)   w ill   s tart   b linking.   T he   r estored   f actory   c onfiguration   w ill   c ome   b ack   u p   i n   2 -­‐ 3   m inutes   a nd   t he   S YS   L ED   w ill   b e   s olid  
green.   A ll   y our   c hanges   w ill   b e   w iped   o ut   s o   c onfigure   t he   d ial   u p   a ccount   a gain   a s   d iscussed   e arlier.  
Speeds are very low
Dialup   s peeds   d epend   o n   t he   c ondition   o f   y our   p hone   l ine   a nd   t he   m odem   c onfiguration   o f   y our   I SP.   I t   i s   n ormal   t o   g et   d ownload   s peeds   o f   4 0   k bps   a nd   u pload   s peeds   o f   3 0   k bps.    
Can't receive phone calls
Once   y ou   a re   c onnected   t o   t he   I nternet,   y ou   w ill   n ot   b e   a ble   t o   r eceive   a ny   c alls   o n   y our   p hone   l ine.   T o   p revent   t his,   m ake   s ure   t o   d isconnect   a fter   t he   d ial   u p   s ession   o r   p ower   o ff  
the   r outer.     Y ou   c an   a lso   s elect   t he   o ption   t o   d rop   t he   d ial   u p   c onnection   i n   c ase   o f   a n   i ncoming   c all   ( see   F igure   4 ).    
Factory configured ISP is not accessible even
after waiting a few minutes after power up
Your configured dial up access number does
not work
Cannot connect to router
Great   A rbor   C ommunications   w arrants   t his   p roduct   a gainst   d efect   i n   m aterials   a nd   w orkmanship   f or   1   y ear   a fter   p urchase   o f   t he   u nit.   P roducts   r equiring   w arranty   s ervice   s hould   b e  
returned   t o   G reat   A rbor   i n   o riginal   p ackaging   a fter   r eceipt   o f   a   R MA   N umber.   A ny   p roduct   r eplaced   b y   G reat   A rbor   s hall   r etain   a   w arranty   f or   t he   r emaining   w arranty   p eriod.
Warranty Exceptions
Any  defect  caused  by  misuse,  improper  installation  or  maintenance  that  is  not  required  as  per  the  instructions;;  Any  unauthorized  disassembly  and  repair;;  
Any  defect  caused  by  improper  use  in  the  working  conditions  beyond  the  stated  ones  by  the  instruction  (for  example:  use  under  abnormal  temperatures  that  are  too  high,  low,  wet  or  
dry;;  high  sea-­level;;  unstable  electric  current  and  voltage  and  so  on)  
Any  defect  caused  by  personal  disaster  or  improper  maintenance,  such  as  mechanical  damage,  serious  oxidation  and  rusting,  rat  damage,  permeating  exertion  and  so  on;;  
Any  defect  caused  by  transportation  or  loading  during  return  shipment;;  
Any  damage  caused  by  natural  disasters  such  as  earthquake,  fire,  flood,  lightning  strike,  or  any  other  natural  occurrence;;  
Any  other  defects  that  are  not  caused  by  workmanship,  technique,  product  quality  and  the  like.  
Warranty  service  stated  above  is  only  valid  for  products  sold  in  the  continental  USA  and  Canada.    
As  for  any  direct  or  indirect  loss  caused  by  abnormal  use  of  the  product,  Great  Arbor  shall  only  be  liable  for  the  duties  that  are  stipulated  by  relevant  state  law.  
Great  Arbor  shall  neither,  on  any  account,  respond  to  any  loss  or  damages  caused  by  intangible  property  such  as  applications  or  configurations,  nor  respond  to  any  accusation  put  
forward  by  a  third  party.  
Great  Arbor  reserves  all  rights  including  interpretation  and  modification  to  this  warranty  policy.  
Great  Arbor  shall  not  be  liable  for  long  distance  charges  or  incur  any  liability  for  inadvertent  dial  up  due  to  malfunctioning  of  the  unit  or  user  
To   prevent   unintended   dial   up,  power   off   the   router  after   use.   Great   Arbor   Communications   disclaims   all   responsibility   for   inadvertent   dial   up   due   to   software/hardware  
malfunction   o r   u ser   c onfiguration.  
ã 2016 Great Arbor Communications

Troubleshooting Table

Next Steps
Make sure the phone cable is plugged in and Tone/Pulse Dial is set correctly and the line is not busy. After
unsuccessful call, copy System Log and router backup file into an email to support
Make sure that your ISP access phone number is correct (do you need to put in the area code ?) - try dialing the
number with a regular phone, and if you hear beeps and tones the number is correct. Check user name and
password for ISP account. Send System Log and router backup file to support.
Make sure your PC WiFi is enabled and you see the OpenWrt network.