Olympus IX70 Manual de operação - Página 4

Procurar online ou descarregar pdf Manual de operação para Microscópio Olympus IX70. Olympus IX70 32 páginas. Inverted fluorescent microscope
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Olympus IX70 Manual de operação
produce illumination over the entire field of view. Be careful when trying to focus this lens on materials
high above the stage—you may cause the high power objectives to push up on the stage plate/specimen
and risk damage to optics. Ask for advice on how to use this lens.
Available 4x/0.16 dry.
10x/0.3 dry
20x/0.5 dry. NOTE this lens has 3 correction caps available to improve images through #1
coverslips, 1-mm thick glass dishes (or a glass slide), and also for plastic (1.1-mm thick). Caps are
unscrewed and replaced with the desired cap. Be sure to place the cap in a plastic holder; holders are
located on the shelf to the right of the scope). Note this lens has poor performance in UV (lousy DAPI
40x/0.6 LWD dry objective. This has a correction collar for glass/plastic and thickness (0-2 mm).
(not on scope routinely; place into 40x oil position when needed).
Available 40x/1.35 oil UV-optimized. This is a very high resolution objective the best for use
with UV dyes, especially the calcium dye, fura-2. Moderate magnification and high NA make this an
especially bright objective.
60x/1.45 oil, TIRF. The very high NA produces the highest resolution under regular epi
fluorescence. This objective is also optimized to permit the specialized illumination method called Total
Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF; AKA, evanescent wave). TIRF uses laser light to illuminate only
the footprint of a cell attached to a glass coverslip (i.e., the bottom 40 to 200 nm), showing nothing of the
portions above that zone. The high NA yields optical sectioning that approaches that on confocal
Available 60x/1.2 water. Use a hanging drop of water, not oil, on this objective. It provides a
greater working distance than the 60-oil, and when viewing thick preparations it minimizes depth-related
optical distortions.
100x/1.3 oil. Not as bright as either the 46x or 60x oil objectives, but still a nice high mag
Available 150x/1.4 oil, TIRF The Rolls Royce of objectives. This is a high resolution, high mag
objective that can also be used in TIRF applications. You will need to manually calibrate pixel sizes
when you use this lens.

Brightfield and Fluorescence modes

There are four positions for fluorescence filter cubes in the
manual turret below the objectives. The filter position is
changed by rotating the wheel under the objective turret (see
Fig. 2, "Filter change wheel"). We have four cubes
permanently stationed in the turret: DAPI, FITC long pass, the
Quad mirror and Cy3. The DAPI, FITC long pass and Cy3
cubes will work for both the camera and the oculars (they
have both excitation and emission filters built in) but the
Quad mirror works for the camera only!! The Quad mirror
(ID tag= "4") is for collecting multiple color channels with the
Acquire multiple wavelengths menu in MetaMorph. It will
collect DAPI, FITC (narrow), TexRed and Cy5 channels only
when the appropriate filter button in the taskbar is pushed.
The cube in the light path is indicated by the
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Fig. 2 right side of scope
Filter list