Cisco C-series Nexus 5020 Примечание к выпуску - Страница 16

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Также для Cisco C-series Nexus 5020: Технические характеристики (3 страниц), Информационный лист (23 страниц), Примечание к выпуску (3 страниц), Руководство (11 страниц), Руководство по установке оборудования (19 страниц)

Cisco C-series Nexus 5020 Примечание к выпуску
S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o n e x u s 5 k d o c s @ c i s c o . c o m
Symptom: When a port is congested due to traffic from multiple inputs, the traffic mapped to a
user-defined QoS class can get discarded at a very slow rate (fewer frames per second) in spite of
being configured with strict priority scheduling.
Workaround: None.
Symptom: When an egress SPAN is configured on a port transmitting jumbo or large frames, the
spanned frames are truncated to 2384 bytes.
Workaround: None.
Symptom: An incorrect MTU value is displayed in the show interface command output. The Nexus
5000 Series switch only supports class-based MTU. Per-interface level MTU configuration is not
supported. The switch supports jumbo frames by default. However, the show interface command
output currently displays an incorrect MTU value of 1500 bytes.
Workaround: None.
Symptom: The Set operation on the CISCO-IP-IF-MIB is not supported. You cannot set the mgmt0
IP address using SNMP.
Workaround: Use the CLI to set the mgmt0 IP address.
Symptom: CFS does not support roles configuration distribution. Enter the show cfs application
command to see the registered applications.
Workaround: Any features not registered with CFS need to be configured locally on the switch.
Symptom: CFS does not support RADIUS configuration distribution. Enter the show cfs
application command to see the registered applications.
Workaround: Any features not registered with CFS need to be configured locally on the switch.
Symptom: When an LACP port channel is configured between Catalyst 6500 and Nexus 5000 Series
switches, and the configurations on both sides of the port channel do not match, the Catalyst 6500
LACP ports may change to the errordisable state.
Workaround: Fix the configuration to make it consistent on both peer switches of the port channel,
and perform a shut and no shut operation on the Catalyst 6500 port channel interface.
Symptom: When a shutdown command is issued to the mgmt0 interface on a Nexus 5000 Series
switch, the link never goes down and the remote end does not indicate that the link is down.
Workaround: None.
Symptom: The current version of NX-OS software running on the Nexus 5000 Series switches does
not support Brocade i10K interop mode 4. The i10k v9.2.0.8 is supported by MDS in SAN-OS
3.2(2c), and 3.2(3) with interop mode 1 and 4.
Workaround: None.
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Release Notes, Release 4.0(1a)N1(1a)