Blackberry 850 Дополнительные функции

Просмотреть онлайн или скачать pdf Дополнительные функции для Портативные компьютеры Blackberry 850. Blackberry 850 2 страницы. Blackberry 850: supplementary guide
Также для Blackberry 850: Руководство пользователя по пейджингу (4 страниц), Краткое справочное руководство (2 страниц), Ограниченная гарантия на аксессуары (7 страниц), Краткий справочник по языкам (3 страниц)

Blackberry 850 Дополнительные функции
Additional features for elink
With a handheld enabled on the elink service, you can send
messages using a variety of services.

Sending messages

Once you have activated your handheld, you are ready to begin
sending and receiving messages. When sending messages, choose
from the following send methods:
Use Email: Select the contact's email address.
Use Fax #: Select the contact's fax number.
To send a message
In the Home screen, scroll to the COMPOSE icon and click. The
To: screen appears.
Scroll to an existing contact (or add a new one if necessary) and
click the trackwheel to view the menu. Select a send method
and click. (For this example, select Use Email as your send