Green R/C Model Airplanes Tiger Moth Kullanım Kılavuzu - Sayfa 11

Oyuncak Green R/C Model Airplanes Tiger Moth için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kullanım Kılavuzu indirin. Green R/C Model Airplanes Tiger Moth 11 sayfaları. The unique almost-ready-to-fly scale 1:7 model of great britain's famous wwii training aircraft
Ayrıca Green R/C Model Airplanes Tiger Moth için: Kullanım Kılavuzu (11 sayfalar)

Green R/C Model Airplanes Tiger Moth Kullanım Kılavuzu
7. The travel
travel of each control surface depends upon your piloting skill level and flying style.
recommend the following to begin with:
It's better to test fly your Tiger Moth on a fine day with moderate or little wind though it can handle
reasonably strong winds. Nevertheless, with its light flying weight and large wing area, it naturally
prefers calm conditions. . . .
On take-off, the throttle should be advanced gradually just like a full size Tiger Moth. . . . You may need a
little right rudder on the initial take-off roll. . . . The tail will lift fairly quickly and only a little back stick is
needed allow the plane to climb out.
Aerobatics, such as loops and rolls, are easy with the Tiger Moth once it has been trimmed out for straight
and level flight. To do loops, merely face the model directly into the wind at a reasonable height. After a
gentle dive apply a medium "up" elevator, taking it half off at the top of the loop and applying it again as
the plane dives on the final part of the maneuver. Rolls are commenced again by flying directly into the
wind and then applying right or left aileron control. It is important, when the model is half way through
its roll and on its back inverted, to give medium "down" elevator to keep the aircraft level. Similarly you
can roll the plane upside down and fly inverted provided you apply the required amount of "down"
elevator. Directional control whether flying upright or inverted is easy with the use of aileron movement. . . .
Spinning is easy with the Tiger Moth. . . .
and apply rudder to make it enter spinning. To recover from a spin requires the use of rudder against the
spin, prior to or simultaneously with the elevator.
steeper attitude but will emerge in a steep dive and pick up speed rapidly. . . . Thus, a normal dive recovery
can be carried out. . . .
height. . . .
Landings can be performed on the main gear or as "three-pointers" if you allow for a real slow
touch-down speed and keep your model straight and level. . . .
In one word, the Tiger Moth is designed to fly like a trainer for the beginners as well as a sport flier for
the experienced pilots. . . .
Elevator: 15 degrees each side
Ailerons: 10 degrees up / down
Flying the
Gradually pull throttle stick and elevator stick to stall your plane,
It is important that if spinning is to be done deliberately, it should be at a good
Good luck and happy flying!!
20 degrees each side
the Tiger
Tiger Moth
In this way the model will be pitched into an even