Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWx Kurulum ve Bağlantı - Sayfa 19

Ağ Donanımı Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWx için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kurulum ve Bağlantı indirin. Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWx 27 sayfaları. This chapter describes how to install and connect cisco 1000 series integrated services router (isr) to lan and wan networks.

Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWx Kurulum ve Bağlantı
Install and Connect the Router
Figure 21: Chassis Ground Connection-Cisco 1121X-8PLTEP

Connect Power Cable

Power supply of the Cisco 1000 Series ISRs is an external AC to DC power adapter. The external DC power
connector plugs into the router's 4 points power connector.
Ground Lug
Screw (UNC 6-32)
Ground Lug
Install and Connect the Router
Connect Power Cable