Yamaha PSS-A50 Referans - Sayfa 3

Müzik Enstrümanı Yamaha PSS-A50 için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Referans indirin. Yamaha PSS-A50 4 sayfaları. Midi reference
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Yamaha PSS-A50 Referans
MIDI Data Format
1 By default (factory settings) the instrument ordinarily func-
tions as a 16-channel multi-timbral tone generator, and incom-
ing data does not affect the panel voices or panel settings.
However, the MIDI Master Tuning affects the panel voices and
recorded data.
2 Exclusive
<GM System ON>
F0H, 7EH, 7FH, 09H, 01H, F7H
• This message automatically restores all default settings for
the instrument, with the exception of MIDI Master Tuning.
This instrument does not support the GM format.
<MIDI Master Volume>
F0H, 7FH, 7FH, 04H, 01H, ll, mm, F7H
• This message allows the volume of all channels to be
changed simultaneously (Universal System Exclusive).
• The values of "mm" is used for MIDI Master Volume. (Val-
ues for "ll" are ignored.)
Precautions when Using the 5V DC / USB TO
HOST Terminal
When connecting the computer to the 5V DC / USB TO HOST terminal (page 6 in the Owner's Manual), make sure to observe the fol-
lowing points to avoid freezing the computer and corrupting or losing the data.
• Use an A-micro B type USB cable of less than 3 meters. USB 3.0 cables cannot be used.
• Execute the following before turning the power to the instrument on/off or plugging/unplugging the USB cable to/from the 5V DC /
USB TO HOST terminal.
• Quit any open application software on the computer.
• Make sure that data is not being transmitted from the instrument. (Data is transmitted only by playing notes on the keyboard or
playing back a song.)
• While the computer is connected to the instrument, you should wait for six seconds or more between these operations: (1) when turn-
ing the power of the instrument off then on again, or (2) when alternately connecting/disconnecting the USB cable.
If the computer or the instrument freezes, restart the application software or the computer OS, or turn the power to the instrument off
then on again.
<MIDI Master Tuning>
F0H, 43H, 1nH, 27H, 30H, 00H, 00H, mm, ll, cc, F7H
• This message simultaneously changes the tuning value of all
• The values of "mm" and "ll" are used for MIDI Master Tun-
• The default value of "mm" and "ll" are 08H and 00H,
respectively. Any values can be used for "n" and "cc".
3 When the recording or playback of the recorded phrase is
started, an FAH message is transmitted.
When recording or playback of the recorded phrase is stopped,
an FCH message is transmitted.
4 Local ON/OFF
<Local ON> Bn, 7A, 7F
<Local OFF> Bn, 7A, 00
• Value for "n" is ignored.
PSS-A50 MIDI Reference