Artistic License Dali-Scope Kullanıcı Kılavuzu - Sayfa 4
Ölçüm Cihazları Artistic License Dali-Scope için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kullanıcı Kılavuzu indirin. Artistic License Dali-Scope 8 sayfaları.
Product Overview
Dali-Scope is a hand-held, easy-to-use
DALI commissioning tool. It is capable of
performing auto-discovery, commissioning,
programming, channel, group and scene
assignments, test and analysis functions.
DALI Background
DALI was created to provide central control
over fixtures, enabling commercial lighting
to become more efficient. While the initial
development focused on fluorescent ballasts,
applications now encompass a range of
devices such as LED drivers, HID and low-
voltage halogen. In the future, the scope will
include rotaries, light sensors and more.
DALI stands for Digital Addressable Lighting
Interface. It is technically managed under IEC
There are four main components required for
a DALI subnet or circuit.
1. A DALI controller (may be a gateway, hub
or router)
2. A DALI Bus Power Supply (e.g. the Artistic
Licence Rail-PSU-D4)
3. Some kind of DALI device
4. Cabling
The system pictured opposite can be
considered one subnet of DALI.
y A DALI subnet can have up to 64 DALI
y A DALI Bus PSU must always be present
on each DALI subnet
y Each device has a short address (0 to 63)
y There should be no duplicate short
y Each device can be assigned to any of the
16 groups
y Each device can have 16 scenes
programmed into its memory
Dali-Scope User Guide
DALI Controller
All DALI devices need to be commissioned for
the first time before they will work correctly.
This requires specialised equipment, such as
the Artistic Licence Dali-Scope.
Commissioning involves giving every DALI
device a unique short address. This is to
allow two-way communication between the
controller and devices.
DALI devices contain a random number
generator that enables them to be individually
discovered during commissioning. After the
commissioning tool performs the discovery
stage, it sequentially assigns individual
short addresses to each device on the DALI
subnet. At the end of the process, the devices'
short-addresses can be reprogrammed if
required to achieve a more logical order. (The
commissioning tool will normally identify the
ballast to be reprogrammed by switching it on
or off).
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