DSC Power 832 Посібник користувача - Сторінка 11

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DSC Power 832 Посібник користувача

Viewing Trouble Conditions

The control p anel continuously monitors a numb er of possible trouble conditions. If one of these trouble
conditions oc cur, the keyp a d will b e e p twic e every 10 se conds until you press any key on the keyp a d.
Troubles c an only b e viewe d when the system is in the disarme d state. If a trouble oc curs while the
system is arme d, enter your a c c ess cod e to disarm the system, then follow the proc e dure outline d
b elow to d etermine the sp e cific trouble.
NOTE: A TROUBLE condition reduces the security your system is designed to provide. Call your
installing company for service.

To view troubles from an LED Keypad:

A trouble will b e indic ate d by the Trouble light which will remain O N until the trouble condition is
cle are d. If you c annot d etermine or reme dy the c ause of the trouble condition, conta ct your installer for
assistanc e.
To view the typ e of trouble condition, press [
various trouble conditions:
1 ................. Servic e re quire d. Press [1] and one or more of the zone lights corresponding to the
following system troubles will turn O N:
1. Low B attery
2. B ell C ircuit Trouble
3. G eneral System Trouble
4. G eneral System Tamp er
2 ................. Indic ates the loss of A C power. When this trouble oc curs, the Trouble light will turn
O N but the keyp a d buz z er will not sound.
3 ................. Tele phone line trouble.
4 ................. The p anel has faile d to communic ate with the c entral station.
5 ................. Zone fault. Press [5] and the zone light(s) corresponding to the faulted zones will turn O N.
6 ................. Zone tamper. Press [6] and the zone light(s) corresponding to the tamp ere d zones will
turn O N.
7 ................. Low zone b attery. Press [7] and the numb ers corresponding to the zones with
b attery trouble will turn O N.
8 ................. Loss of time on system clock. To set the system time, following the instructions in
"Setting System D ate and Time" on p a g e 13.

To view troubles from an LCD Keypad:

From th e R e a d y st a t e , us e th e arrow ( < > ) k e ys to s croll to th e followin g m e ss a g e .
Press [
System Trouble
(*2) to View< >
Use the arrow (< >) keys to view which troubles are present on the system. O nc e
View Trouble < >
you have scrolle d through the list of troubles, press the [#] key to exit the Trouble
"Trouble Message"
Viewing mod e and return to the Re a dy state.
][2]. O ne or more zone lights will turn O N, indic ating the
] [2] to view the trouble. The messa g e will re a d...
5. G eneral System Sup ervisory
6. Not use d
7. P C 5204 Low B attery
8. P C 5204 A C F ailure