DSC WS4936 Посібник з монтажу та експлуатації - Сторінка 4

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DSC WS4936 Посібник з монтажу та експлуатації
attention should be given to the escape routes from sleep-
ing quarters.
It is essential that escape from a bedroom be possible
without opening the interior door. Consider the following
when making your escape plans:
Ensure that doors and windows that open to the outside
are easily opened. Ensure that they are not painted shut
and that the locking mechanisms operate smoothly.
If opening or using the exit is too difficult for children, the
elderly or handicapped, plans for their rescue should be
developed. This plan includes making sure that those
who are to perform the rescue can promptly hear the fire
warning signal.
If the exit is above the ground level, an approved fire lad-
der or rope should be provided, as well as training in its
Exits on the ground level should be kept clear. Be sure to
remove snow from exterior patio doors in the winter and
that outdoor furniture or equipment does not block exits.
The family should have a predetermined assembly point
where everyone can be accounted for; for example,
across the street or at a neighbor's house.
Once everyone is out of the house, call the Fire Depart-
A good plan emphasizes a quick escape. Do not invest-
igate first or attempt to fight the fire, and do not attempt to
rescue belongings or valuables as this takes up time.
Once outside, do not re-enter the house; wait for the Fire
Write the plan down and rehearse it frequently so that
should an emergency ever arise, everyone will know
what to do. Revise the plan as conditions change; for
example, when there are more or fewer family members
in the home or if there are changes to the house.
Make sure your fire warning system is operational by con-
ducting weekly tests. If you are unsure about system oper-
ation, contact your smoke detector installer or dealer.
DSC recommends that you contact your local Fire Depart-
ment and request further information on home fire safety
and escape planning. If available, have your local fire pre-
vention officer conduct an in-house fire safety inspection.
Testing Your Smoke Detector
Follow the test procedure described here or contact your
smoke detector dealer or installer for testing instructions.
DSC recommends that you test the entire alarm system
at least once a week to verify the operation of all system
Smoke Detector Unit Test
Initiate test by pressing the test button for 5 seconds (min.),
the sounder makes clicking noises during this time. Press the
button until the unit alarm sounds, an alarm should be sent to
the control panel. When the button is released, the alarm
should cease. If this does not occur, ensure batteries are the
correct type, in good condition and are installed correctly (see
3. Install Batteries in the Installation Instructions section).
Upon completing the functional testing of the smoke detector,
check the unit's sensing chamber to ensure proper operation.
To test the sensing chamber, wave a lit cotton wick or punk
stick around the outside of the unit until a generous amount of
smoke enters the sensing chamber or the unit alarms. If the
smoke detector does not function properly, call your smoke
detector installer or dealer for service.
Owner's Maintenance
The smoke detector is designed to require minimum main-
tenance. If the case becomes dusty, vacuum with a small
brush attachment. If the case is greasy, wipe the case gently
with a soft cloth slightly dampened with soapy water.
Never disassemble the smoke detector; there are no user
serviceable parts inside the unit. You may only remove
detector from backplate to replace batteries if not ser-
viced by installer. When replacing the batteries, follow the
instructions specified within the Installation Instructions,
Item 3 Install Batteries.
Never paint the unit. Paint may prevent smoke from enter-
ing the unit. If you are planning renovations or repainting,
contact your installer and ask that the unit be temporarily
removed until work is complete.
If the unit is located in an area where it is exposed to high
levels of dust or insects and causes false alarms, it may
require service; contact your smoke detector installer or
Testing and maintenance procedures shall be in accordance
with CAN/ULC-S552-02.


Regulatory Listing: UL268/ULC-S531
Diameter: 5 in (125 mm)
Height: 2.5 in (63 mm)
Weight (including battery): 8.75 oz (243 g)
Color: White
Spacing rating: 70 ft (21.3 m)
Sensitivity: 1.26 - 2.39%/foot obscuration
Alarm Sensitivity (threshold) EU: complies with
Alarm Sensitivity (threshold) UL: 3.0±0.8%/ft obscur-
ation, ULC: 2.0±0.5 %/ft obscuration
Audible Signal (ANSI Temporal 3): 85dBA min. in alarm
Sounder Alarm Pattern UL, ULC, EU: evacuation tem-
poral pattern
Operating Temperature: 40° to 100°F (4.4° to 37.8°C)
Operating Temperature with Heat Detector: 32º-100ºF
Operating Temperature for Smoke Alarm (Australian ver-
sion): 41º-113ºF (5º-45ºC)
Heat Alarm: 135ºF (57ºC)
Humidity: 15%-90% RH, non-condensing
Approved Batteries: 3 AAA Energizer E92 or Duracell
Procell PC2400
Alarm Silencing (ULC Model) 8 minutes automatically
Supervisory Transmission Frequency UL, ULC: 64 min.
Supervisory Transmission Frequency EU: 12 minute inter-
Low Battery Detection: Low battery 14 days remaining

Limited Warranty

DigitalSecurityControlswarrantsthat for a period of twelve monthsfromthe date
of purchase, the product shallbe free of defectsin materialsand workmanship
under normaluse and that in fulfillment of anybreach of such warranty, Digital
SecurityControlsshall, at itsoption, repair or replace the defective equipment
upon return of the equipment to itsrepair depot. Thiswarrantyappliesonlyto
defectsin partsand workmanship and not to damage incurred in shipping or
handling, or damage due to causesbeyond the controlof DigitalSecurityCon-
trolssuch aslightning, excessive voltage, mechanicalshock, water damage, or
damage arising out of abuse, alteration or improper application of the equip-
The foregoing warrantyshallapplyonlyto the originalbuyer, and isand shallbe in
lieu of anyand allother warranties, whether expressed or implied and of allother
obligationsor liabilitieson the part of DigitalSecurityControls. DigitalSecurity