Duevi EZY-LAN HW 4A Посібник з встановлення - Сторінка 4

Переглянути онлайн або завантажити pdf Посібник з встановлення для Система безпеки Duevi EZY-LAN HW 4A. Duevi EZY-LAN HW 4A 13 сторінок. Wireless alarm panel with ethernet + wi-fi + gsm + lte

Power – Indications on the power supply and
battery of the control panel
The homepage also contains two buttons:
ENTER SETUP – Allows to enter the setup
mode (programming) of all the parameters of
the control panel. In setup mode the control
panel is not operational and does not accept
commands from the user.
ENTER TEST – Allows to enter system test
mode. In test mode the control unit is not
operational and does not accept commands
from the user.
From any page, you can return to the homepage
by pressing the icon
FIRMWARE UPDATE: Before starting
programming it is advisable to check if a
Firmware update is available [see section
"Devices (SETUP)"]
11 Homepage (SETUP)
By pressing the ENTER IN SETUP button, the
control unit switches to programming mode and
the RGB LEDs of the control panel flash white.
The homepage transforms from a simple view into
a configuration page.
Press the icon
(gear) relating to the parameters
to be modified.
1) After each change, press the icon
(green check) at the top right to
2) Pressing the icon
top left of each page takes you back to
the previous screen. If any changes
have been made, you are asked to
confirm or cancel the changes.
3) The changes made in the software will
be active in the control panel only after
executing the "SEND TO PANEL"
11.1 System
Date and time settings
NTP server
Time zone
Daylight savings time
System Settings:
Login with password
Reset to factory default
Reboot of the panel
(left arrow) at the
11.2 Connections
Ethernet is the primary channel that is used
if a network cable is connected.
Wi-Fi (if set in router mode) is the alternate
channel used when a network cable is not
LTE (if enabled) is the channel used when
there is no Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection or
there is no internet on one of the two
Ethernet settings
IP assignment: Static / DHCP
[If static IP] IP address, Subnet mask,
Wi-Fi settings
Mode = <disabled>
The control panel Wi-Fi is turned off.
Mode = <Router>
In this mode the control unit uses its own Wi-Fi
to connect to an external Router/AP.
Press the icon
(gear) to search for available
Wi-Fi networks
Router SSID: name of the Wi-Fi router to
which the control unit connects
Router Password: password of the Wi-Fi to
which the control unit connects in Router
Security: WEP, WPA2 / WPA1 / PSK, WPA2 /
IP assignment: Static / DHCP
[If static IP] IP address, Subnet mask,
Mode = <Access Point> (AP)
In this mode the control panel generates a Wi-Fi
network to which it is possible to connect directly
with a device (phone, tablet or PC).
AP SSID: Wi-Fi name of the control panel in
AP mode
AP Password: Wi-Fi password of the control
panel in AP mode
Security: WEP, WPA2 / WPA1 / PSK, WPA2 /
The control panel Wi-Fi integrates a DHCP
server that assigns an IP of the 192.168.5.x
series to the connected devices
GSM + LTE settings
Module enable: on / off
Max SMS per day (0 = no limit)
Use SIM data: on / off