HIFEI Technology KingKongIII Pro Series Інструкція з експлуатації - Сторінка 4

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There are two Governor Modes in Flight Mode, they are: Exter-
nal Governor and Governor.
External Governor
when you option this one, KingKongIII Pro will act as an ESC
without Governor function, ESC‟s governor function will be
taken over to outside FBL system (such as Vbar/mini Vbar/
Skookum/MB/BeastX). in this case, the start type have to be
set with „soft start‟ and only one of Heli mode parameters can
be option is: Spool Up Rate.(see the following screenshot).
RPM sensor: KingKongIII Pro has a built-in RPM sensor to
provide the rpm signal to the third Flybarless devices such as
Vbar/mini Vbar / Skookum/BeastX Plus, and the RPM signal
specification as following:
RPM Signal Voltage: 3.3v
RPM Signal Duty Cycle : 50%
Internal Resistance: 510 Ohm
Please read instructions of Flybarless devices carefully
and understand the specifications before connecting ESC
RPM sensor cable to the devices.
RPM Signal
The Governor mode acts as an RPM control. Throttle stick posi-
tion determines the RPM that the motor runs and the controller
will attempt to hold that RPM regardless of load changes and
battery voltage decreasing . Thanks to Active Freewheeling ,the
motor RPM control could be available as long as the throttle lev-
el exceed 30%. In Governor Mode, the‟ brake‟ MUST always
disable, „Soft Cutoff‟ and „Soft Start‟ MUST be optioned.
Note: we strong recommend to open the Active Freewheeling
when Governor is option
Spool Up Rate indicates the startup spool up rate, the default
setting is Level 3, higher level numbers
means to approach the head speed faster.
Governor Gain The default setting is grade 9, the higher grade
number means the higher gain.
Head Speed Change Rate The default setting is standard, this
setting indicates the change rate between 2 different head speed
switching (for example, throttle curve switch up from Normal to
Idle1 or Idle1 to Idle2 ,vice versa).
The "Head Speed Change Rate" value also determines the speed
at which the head recovers.
AR Recover Time is Autorotation Recover Time, it also can be
understood as the recover time from Autorotation (TH=0) to
Normal mode. The default setting is „Disable‟, it indicates the
AR is inactived.
10 to 60 Secs can be optioned to determine the recover time that
Autorotation is actived, for example if you program the AR Re-
cover Time to 30 secs, the AR will be available WITHIN 30
secs, in this period the motor can be ramped up to a preset head
speed instead of soft startup, but more than this time ( >30 se-
conds) will lead to the motor engaged with soft startup.
Throttle Calculator is a calculator to help you calculation the
throttle curve according to your desired HS, Gear rate and motor
poles. Please see the following screenshot:
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