Door Chime Feature
The door chime fe ature is use d, while the p anel is disarme d, to provid e a tone from the keyp a d e a ch
time a door or window is op ene d or close d. The doors and windows which will provid e this indic ation
are programme d by your installer.
To activate the door chime from an LED Keypad:
Enter [✱][4] to turn the door chime fe ature O N and O F F. When the command is entere d, the keyp a d
buz z er will b e e p 3 times if the door chime fe ature is ena ble d and will sound one long b e e p if it is
disa ble d. Press [#] to return to the Re a dy state.
To activate the door chime from an LCD Keypad:
Start with the p anel in the disarme d mod e, press [
Press [
Press (*) For<>
the Re a dy state.
Door Chime
Keypad Options
All Keypads
Keypad Buzzer Control
There are 21 different keyp a d sound er tones availa ble for the Power832 keyp a ds. From an L C D
keyp a d, enter [
][6] [Master cod e], then use the arrow (< >) keys to scroll to the messa g e "K eyp a d
Buz z er C ontrol." Press [
sound. Press [#] to exit. This fe ature c an b e a c c esse d from an LE D keyp a d by pressing and holding
the [
] key.
LCD Keypads Only
Language Selection
The displaye d langua g e of the keyp a d c an b e chang e d by pressing and holding both of the arrow (< >)
keys simultaneously. This will c ause the keyp a d to enter the Langua g e Sele ction mod e. Scroll to the
d esire d langua g e and press the [
The following three options are accessed by entering [
keys to scroll to the appropriate message and press [
Brightness Control
When this option is sele cte d, the keyp a d will allow you to scroll through 10 different b a cklighting
levels. Use the arrow (< >) keys to scroll to the d esire d b a cklighting level and press the [#] key to exit.
Contrast Control
When this option is sele cte d, the keyp a d will allow you to scroll through 10 different L C D display contrast
levels. Use the arrow (< >) keys to scroll to the d esire d contrast level and press the [#] key to exit.
View Event Buffer
The p anel will store the last 128 events which oc curre d on the system. To view the event buffer, sele ct
the "View Event Buffer" prompt from the user functions list. The keyp a d will display the event numb er,
p artition, time and d ate of e a ch event. To tog gle to the event name, press the [
>) keys to scroll through all of the events in the buffer. When you have finishe d viewing the events,
press [#] to exit.
Downloading Enable
To ena ble a six-hour downloa ding window from any system keyp a d, enter [
During this time, the p anel will answer incoming downloa ding c alls. For more information, ple ase ask
your installer.
] or [4] to ena ble or disa ble the Door C hime fe ature. Press [#] to return to
] to sele ct the option. Use the arrow (< >) keys to scroll to the d esire d buz z er
] key. This will sele ct the new langua g e and restart the keyp a d.
] to enter the function list, then scroll to find...
] [6] [Master code]. Use the arrow (< >)
] to select.
] key. Use the arrow (<
] [6] [Master cod e] [5].