- ページ 4

計測機器 Amptek MCA8000DのPDF クイック・スタート・マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Amptek MCA8000D 6 ページ。

You can tell that data are being acquired if (a) the spectrum appears in the window, (b) the total counts
are increasing, (c) the timers are increasing, and (d) the "status" in the right hand Info Panel reads
"acquiring." The red light on the MCA8000D input panel will also be flashing.
You can set the MCA8000D to stop acquisition after a fixed time, after a fixed number of counts are
collected, and with other options using the MCA tab on DPP setup.
6. Display data
a. The spectrum, counts, and accumulation time are automatically displayed as data are acquired. If a region of
interest is defined and selected, its net area and other properties are also shown.
b. To zoom in on a portion of the spectrum, use the arrows at lower right. To return to the full screen view, use
the full range arrows on the toolbar.
c. To toggle between a linear and a logarithmic vertical scale click on the spectrum and press "L" on the
keyboard or select the scale from the Display menu.
7. Analyze data
a. Regions of Interest
A Region of Interest (ROI) is an area marked as a potential peak in a spectrum.
DPPMCA supports several ways to mark or define an ROI. The easiest way is to place the cursor at the
left edge (lowest channel) of desired region and then press and hold the "U" key until the peak is
highlighted and the upper edge is reached. You can also click on the Mark ROI button on the toolbar and
then click and drag the cursor over the peak.
For each ROI, DPPMCA computes the total counts (gross area), subtracts the background, and for the
difference computes the net area, centroid, and peak width. The resolution is also displayed.
b. Energy calibration
The native scale (x-axis) of the hardware is channels. Most often you will want to convert the channel scale
to energy.
1. Chose the two peaks that will be used for the calibration and make note of their energies.
2. Mark an ROI (region of interest) around each peak. This can be done by clicking the cursor at the left
base of the first peak and then holding down the "U" key on the keyboard until the whole peak is
Amptek Inc.
MCA8000D Quick Start Guide Rev A0
Config Data
Count Data
ROI Data
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