If the grain is not dry enough for the fineness chosen, the millstones may get
clogged up and a hard smooth layer may form on the outside edge of the
stones Scrape this layer off the two stones with a kitchen knife and clean the
grooves and the flour spout. Replace the hopper, turn to a medium coarse set-
ting and mill some maize, rice or dry grains. Now the stones will be completely
clean again To get very fine flour from grain that is not completely dry, you can
put the amount needed in the oven at 50 to 50 degrees centigrade for about
half an hour. Make sure to let the grain cool down to room temperature again
before you start milling!
Their structure makes the hard millstones self-sharpening. After many years of
use the stones may wear down somewhat so that the grooves can no longer
hold enough grain. This may impair the milling capacity. The stones should
then be reworked, which will make them as good as new.