Whirlpool  WED9051YW 설치 지침 매뉴얼 - 페이지 17

{카테고리_이름} Whirlpool  WED9051YW에 대한 설치 지침 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Whirlpool  WED9051YW 20 페이지. Installation guide
Whirlpool  WED9051YW에 대해서도 마찬가지입니다: 사용 및 관리 매뉴얼 (20 페이지)


For non-steam models, skip to "Connect Vent" on page 18.
The dryer must be connected to the cold water faucet using
the new inlet hoses. Do not use old hoses.
Turn cold water off, remove and
replace rubber washer
Turn cold water faucet off and remove washer inlet hose.
Check and see if rubber washer is in the "Y" connector.
Remove old rubber washer from inlet hose and replace
with new rubber washer provided.
Attach short hose and
"Y" connector
Fig. A
If space permits, attach the brass female end of the "Y"
connector to the cold water faucet. See figure A.
If "Y" connector cannot be attached directly to the cold water
faucet, the short hose must be used. See figure B. Attach short
hose to cold water faucet. Screw on coupling by hand until it is
seated on faucet. Then attach "Y" connector to brass male end
of the short hose. Screw on coupling by hand until it is seated
on connector.
Tighten couplings
Using pliers, tighten the couplings with additional two-thirds
NOTE: Do not overtighten. Damage to the coupling can result.
Attach long hose to "Y"
connector and tighten couplings
One end of the long hose has a wire mesh strainer inside the
coupling. Attach this end to the "Y" connector. Attach washer
cold inlet hose to other side of "Y" connector. Screw on
coupling by hand until it is seated on connector. Using pliers,
tighten the couplings an additional two-thirds turn.
NOTE: Do not overtighten. Damage to the coupling can result.
Attach long hose to dryer fill
valve and tighten coupling
Fig. B
Attach other end of long hose to fill
valve at bottom of dryer back panel.
Screw on coupling by hand until it
is seated on fill valve connector.
Using pliers, tighten the couplings an additional two-thirds turn.
NOTE: Do not overtighten. Damage to the coupling can result.