If, in conjunction with STEP7 on PCU 50, no communication is established between the HMI and the NCU,
please check the settings made under Control Panel / Set PG/PC Interface. In addition to S7ONLINE, an
Access Point
SINUMERIK_CP (SINUMERIK 7xx) -> TCP/IP -> VIA Rhine III Fast Eth. ..<Board 2>
must be included. If necessary, configure this Access Point as indicated.
Editor: The key combination Shift+Insert must be used to edit cycle calls directly in the DIN code. At present,
this is not provided on all SINUMERIK OPs. Remedy: Use an external PC keyboard.
To operate the simulation, the NC-MD $MC_FRAME_ACS_SET must be set to 1.
PCU 50.5 with OP019:
Copy a file station.ini with the following contents
onto the NCU, into /card/user/common/tcu/<name_pcu50>/common/tcu and then execute the Linux
command sc distribute tcudata. Prerequisite: NCU has the entry "ON_MASTER" in
/card/user/system/etc/basesys.ini and has been booted with this entry.
To operate a PCU50 with external monitor, you can set the screen size of the Operate in the file
F:\hmisl\user\sinumerik\hmi\cfg\slrs.ini with the entry
Resolution =
Variable view: The SK "Load symbols" has been removed from the screen "NC/PLC variables". The symbols
are automatically loaded as from SW 2.7 SP1. The symbol files are still stored in the directory
Ctrl-Energy: Profiles with prewarning time 0 are not permissible and can no longer be generated by Operate.
The graphic view of tools can only be deactivated via the NC-MD 52271 TM_MAG_PLACE_DISTANCE by
setting the MD to 0mm.
ShopMill / ShopTurn:
The function "Block search upon selection / processing from the editor" should be deactivated via NC MD
51040.3 = 1 ($MNS_SWITCH_TO_MASCHINE_MASK Bit 3) because this may lead to a malfunction of the
operator interface.
© Siemens AG 2012
Upgrade Instructions
SINUMERIK Operate 2.7 SP2 for PCU 50
; Permissible values: 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024
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