Apogee DLX24 Інструкція з експлуатації - Сторінка 9

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5.2 Menus

File Drop-Down Menu
Options include:
• New- Start a new file
• Open- Locate the existing file you want to open
• Save- Will save the current open file
• Save As- Option to save the current open file as new name
• Recent Files- View the names of recently opened files
• Exit- Closes the application.
NOTE: A configuration file contains the configuration that was active in the device at the time of saving, but
will not include data for its 20 presets. When you retrieve a saved configuration file, connect the
equipment and transfer this configuration to the hardware (SEND option), that configuration is not
stored in any preset, unless it is saved as a preset file (see Fig. 5-6, Device Drop-Down Menu) .
In addition to the 20 user-writable presets, there are 4 common predefined templates (not rewritable) that
can be used to start a user configuration. These are:
• T01: 2 x 1 Stereo Way
• T02: 2 Stereo Ways
Device Drop-Down Menu
Options include:
• Select: Choose the device you want to connect to
• Recall Preset: Recall/Activate one of the 20 presets
• Store Preset: Save the current configuration into a
user preset
• Upgrade Firmware: Update Device Firmware using
compatible file
NOTE : The latest versions of compatible firmware for Apogee Digital Devices are available for download
via the www.apogeesound.com website.
You can also recall and store presets using the control
panel (see Fig. 5-7, Control Panel Presets Screen))
Help Drop-Down Menu
Options include:
• User Manual: View the DLX24 User Manual
• Visit the Apogee Website: Connects you directly to
the Apogee website: www.apogeesound.com
• About: Displays information about the version of the
5. Software Configuration
(see Fig. 5-5)
• T03: 4 Mono Ways
• T04: 4 Mono Outputs
(see Fig. 5-6)
(see Fig. 5-8)
Fig. 5-5
Fig. 5-6
Fig. 5-7
Fig. 5-8