Garmin FORERUNNER 745 Посібник - Сторінка 13
Переглянути онлайн або завантажити pdf Посібник для Дивись. Garmin FORERUNNER 745. Garmin FORERUNNER 745 47 сторінок.
NOTE: You can add options to the controls menu
the Controls Menu, page
MEGJEGYZÉS! A vezérlő menüben további lehetőségeket adhatunk hozzá
(Vezérlő menü beállítása, 23.
1. Nyomjuk le hosszan a LIGHT gombot.
Intensity Minutes
2. Válasszuk a Ne zavarj! pontot .
To improve your health, organizations such as the World Health
Intenzitás percek
Organization recommend at least 150 minutes per week of
moderate intensity activity, such as brisk walking, or 75 minutes
Az egészségmegőrzés és egészségi állapotunk javítása érdekében az
per week of vigorous intensity activity, such as running.
Egészségügyi Világszervezet (WHO) megfogalmazott egy ajánlást, mely
The device monitors your activity intensity and tracks your time
szerint hetente legalább 150 percet egy közepes intenzitású tevékenység-
spent participating in moderate to vigorous intensity activities
gel, pl. gyorsgyaloglással töltsünk el, vagy hetente 75 percnyi időtartalmban
(heart rate data is required to quantify vigorous intensity). You
végezzünk egy intenzív tevékenységet, pl. futást.
can work toward achieving your weekly intensity minutes goal by
A készülék figyeli tevékenység intenzitásunkat, nyomon követi, hogy meny-
participating in at least 10 consecutive minutes of moderate to
nyi időt töltünk közepes vagy nagy intenzitású sporttevékenységgel (az inten-
vigorous intensity activities. The device adds the amount of
zív tevékenységek számszerűsítéséhez pulzusszám adatok szükségesek). A
moderate activity minutes with the amount of vigorous activity
heti aktív percek cél teljesítéséhez legalább 10 percen át folyamatosan vé-
minutes. Your total vigorous intensity minutes are doubled when
See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the
gezzük a közepes vagy nagy intenzitású tevékenységet. A készülék össze-
product box for product warnings and other important
síti a közepes intenzitású és a nagy intenzitású tevékenységgel töltött per-
Earning Intensity Minutes
ceket oly módon, hogy az utóbbiak kétszeres szorzóval kerülnek figyelem-
Always consult your physician before you begin or modify any
Your Forerunner device calculates intensity minutes by
exercise program.
comparing your heart rate data to your average resting heart
Intenzitás percek számítási alapja
rate. If heart rate is turned off, the device calculates moderate
intensity minutes by analyzing your steps per minute.
Az intenzitás percek mérése során az intenzitás megállapítása a tevékeny-
ség alatti pulzusszám és a nyugalmi pulzusszám összevetésével történik, il-
• Start a timed activity for the most accurate calculation of
letve a pulzusmérés kikapcsolása esetén a percenként megtett lépések szá-
mát figyeli a készülék.
• Exercise for at least 10 consecutive minutes at a moderate or
• Az aktív percek pontos számításához számláló mellett végezzük a tevé-
• Wear your device all day and night for the most accurate
• Legalább megszakítás nélkül 10 percen át edzünk közepes vagy nagy in-
Garmin Move IQ
• Hordjuk a készüléket éjjel-nappal a legpontosabb nyugalmi pulzusszám
adatok méréséhez.
The Move IQ feature automatically detects activity patterns,
such as walking, running, biking, swimming, and elliptical
Garmin Move IQ™ események
training, for at least 10 minutes. You can view the event type
A Move IQ funkció automatikus érzékel bizonyos tevékenység mintákat,
and duration on your Garmin Connect timeline, but they do not
pl. legalább 10 percen át végzett kerékpározást, futást, úszást, elliptikus
appear in your activities list, snapshots, or newsfeed. For more
edzést stb. A Garmin Connect idővonalon megtekinthetjük az esemény tí-
detail and accuracy, you can record a timed activity on your
See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the
pusát és időtartamát, azonban ezek nem jelennek meg a tevékenység
product box for product warnings and other important
listában, a pillanatfelvételeken vagy a hírcsatornán. Nagyobb pontossá-
Activity Tracking Settings
Always consult your physician before you begin or modify any
got és részletesebb adatokat számlálóval kísért tevékenységek végzé-
DOWN Select to scroll through the widgets, data screens, options,
exercise program.
sével kapunk.
Status: Turns off the activity tracking features.
Tevékenység figyelés beállításai
Move Alert: Displays a message and the move bar on the
Nyomjuk meg hosszan a
gombot, majd válasszuk a Beállítások > Tevé-
kenység figyelés pontot.
Állapot: be- és kikapcsolhatjuk a tevékenység figyelő funkciót.
GPS Status and Status Icons
The GPS status ring and icons temporarily overlay each data
Mozgás riasztás: a mozgáshiányra figyelmeztető jelzést kapcsolhatjuk
Goal Alerts: Allows you to turn on and off goal alerts, or turn
screen. For outdoor activities, the status ring turns green when
be és ki, amely egy órás, mozgás nélküli időszakot követően üzenetet és
GPS is ready. A flashing icon means the device is searching for
egy folyamatjelző sávot jelenít meg, illetve ha engedélyezve vannak, ak-
a signal. A solid icon means the signal was found or the sensor
moderate activity minutes with the amount of vigorous activity
kor sípszóval és rezgéssel is figyelmeztet
is connected.
minutes. Your total vigorous intensity minutes are doubled when
moderate activity minutes with the amount of vigorous activity
Cél riasztások: a cél riasztásokat kapcsolhatjuk be és ki, illetve beállíthat-
Move IQ: Allows you to turn on and off Move IQ events.
minutes. Your total vigorous intensity minutes are doubled when
juk, hogy csak tevékenység közben maradjanak kikapcsolva. A cél riasztás
Earning Intensity Minutes
Pulse Ox Mode: Sets your device to record pulse oximeter
a napi lépésszám célt, a napi megmászott emeletek számát és a heti inten-
Your Forerunner device calculates intensity minutes by
Earning Intensity Minutes
zitás perc célt érinti.
comparing your heart rate data to your average resting heart
Your Forerunner device calculates intensity minutes by
rate. If heart rate is turned off, the device calculates moderate
Move IQ: be- és kikapcsolhatjuk a Move IQ eseményeket..
comparing your heart rate data to your average resting heart
Turning Off Activity Tracking
intensity minutes by analyzing your steps per minute.
rate. If heart rate is turned off, the device calculates moderate
Alvás Pulz Ox.: a készülék napi inaktivitás vagy alvás közben folyamatosan
• Start a timed activity for the most accurate calculation of
When you turn off activity tracking, your steps, floors climbed,
intensity minutes by analyzing your steps per minute.
pulzoximéter adatokat rögzít.
intensity minutes.
intensity minutes, sleep tracking, and Move IQ events are not
• Start a timed activity for the most accurate calculation of
• Exercise for at least 10 consecutive minutes at a moderate or
intensity minutes.
Tevékenység figyelés kikapcsolása
vigorous intensity level.
• Exercise for at least 10 consecutive minutes at a moderate or
DOWN Select to scroll through the widgets, data screens, options,
A tevékenység figyelést kikapcsolva a napi lépésszám, a megmászott emele-
• Wear your device all day and night for the most accurate
vigorous intensity level.
tek, az intenzitás percek, az alvás figyelési adatok és a Move IQ események
resting heart rate.
• Wear your device all day and night for the most accurate
nem kerülnek rögzítésre.
resting heart rate.
Garmin Move IQ
Hydration Tracking
1. Nyomjuk meg hosszan a
The Move IQ feature automatically detects activity patterns,
Garmin Move IQ
You can track your daily fluid intake, turn on goals and alerts,
2. Válasszuk a Beállítások > Tevékenység figyelés > Állapot > Ki pontot.
such as walking, running, biking, swimming, and elliptical
The Move IQ feature automatically detects activity patterns,
and enter the container sizes you use most often. If you enable
GPS Status and Status Icons
Hidratációs widget
training, for at least 10 minutes. You can view the event type
such as walking, running, biking, swimming, and elliptical
Going for a Run
and duration on your Garmin Connect timeline, but they do not
The GPS status ring and icons temporarily overlay each data
training, for at least 10 minutes. You can view the event type
A widget segítségével nyomon követhetjük a napi folyadékbevitelünket, célo-
Heart Rate Features
appear in your activities list, snapshots, or newsfeed. For more
screen. For outdoor activities, the status ring turns green when
The first fitness activity you record on your device can be a run,
and duration on your Garmin Connect timeline, but they do not
kat szabhatunk ki, riasztásokat aktiválhatunk, valamint megadhatjuk az ivás-
detail and accuracy, you can record a timed activity on your
GPS is ready. A flashing icon means the device is searching for
ride, or any outdoor activity. You may need to charge the device
appear in your activities list, snapshots, or newsfeed. For more
hoz leggyakrabban használt tartályok méretét. Az automata célok aktiválásá-
a signal. A solid icon means the signal was found or the sensor
before starting the activity
detail and accuracy, you can record a timed activity on your
val a cél megnő azokon a napokon, amikor tevékenységet rögzítünk. Edzés
is connected.
Select START, and select an activity.
Activity Tracking Settings
során több folyadékra van szükségünk a kiizzadt mennyiség helyettesítésé-
Go outside, and wait while the device locates satellites.
Activity Tracking Settings
From the watch face, hold
Select START to start the timer.
From the watch face, hold
Status: Turns off the activity tracking features.
Move Alert: Displays a message and the move bar on the
Status: Turns off the activity tracking features.
digital watch face and steps screen. The device also beeps
Move Alert: Displays a message and the move bar on the
or vibrates if audible tones are turned on
digital watch face and steps screen. The device also beeps
Select Do Not Disturb.
intensity minutes.
vigorous intensity level.
resting heart rate.
Hold to turn the device on.
Hold to view the controls menu.
Select to turn the backlight on and off.
Select to start and stop the timer.
Select to choose an option or to acknowledge a message.
Select to record a lap, rest, or transition during an activity.
Select to return to the previous screen.
and settings.
, and select Settings > Activity Tracking.
Hold to manually change sports during an activity.
Select to scroll through the widgets, data screens, options,
and settings.
Hold to view the menu.
digital watch face and steps screen. The device also beeps
or vibrates if audible tones are turned on
them off only during activities. Goal alerts appear for your
daily steps goal, daily floors climbed goal, and weekly
(Rendszerbeállítások, 34.
intensity minutes goal.
GPS status
Battery status
readings while you are inactive during the day or
Smartphone connection status
Hold to turn the device on.
continuously while you sleep.
Hold to view the controls menu.
technology status
Select to turn the backlight on and off.
Heart rate status
Select to start and stop the timer.
Select to choose an option or to acknowledge a message.
Foot pod status
Select to record a lap, rest, or transition during an activity.
Running Dynamics Pod status
Select to return to the previous screen.
Speed and cadence sensor status
and settings.
Select Settings > Activity Tracking > Status > Off.
Hold to manually change sports during an activity.
Power meter status
Select to scroll through the widgets, data screens, options,
sensor status
and settings.
Hold to view the menu.
camera status
(Charging the Device, page
GPS status
, and select Settings > Activity
Battery status
, and select Settings > Activity
Smartphone connection status
technology status
Heart rate status
(System Settings,
• Exercise for at least 10 consecutive minutes at a moderate or
• Start a timed activity for the most accurate calculation of
vigorous intensity level.
intensity minutes.
• Wear your device all day and night for the most accurate
• Exercise for at least 10 consecutive minutes at a moderate or
resting heart rate.
MEGJEGYZÉS! A Garmin Connect alkalmazás segítségével widgeteket ad-
vigorous intensity level.
hatunk hozzá és távolíthatunk el.
• Wear your device all day and night for the most accurate
Garmin Move IQ
resting heart rate.
Hidratációs widget használata
The Move IQ feature automatically detects activity patterns,
such as walking, running, biking, swimming, and elliptical
A hidratációs widget a napi folyadékbevitelünket és hidratációs célunkat je-
Garmin Move IQ
training, for at least 10 minutes. You can view the event type
leníti meg.
The Move IQ feature automatically detects activity patterns,
and duration on your Garmin Connect timeline, but they do not
such as walking, running, biking, swimming, and elliptical
appear in your activities list, snapshots, or newsfeed. For more
1. Az óra számlapon nyomjuk meg az UP vagy DOWN gombot a hidratáci-
training, for at least 10 minutes. You can view the event type
detail and accuracy, you can record a timed activity on your
ós widget megjelenítéséhez.
and duration on your Garmin Connect timeline, but they do not
appear in your activities list, snapshots, or newsfeed. For more
2. Nyomjuk meg a START gombot.
detail and accuracy, you can record a timed activity on your
Activity Tracking Settings
3. Válasszunk az alábbiak közül:
From the watch face, hold
• Minden ivást követően válasszuk a
Activity Tracking Settings
Status: Turns off the activity tracking features.
• Válasszunk egy tartályt, így az adott tartály mennyiségének megfelelő
Go for a run.
From the watch face, hold
folyadékkal növelhetjük a folyadékbevitelt.
Move Alert: Displays a message and the move bar on the
digital watch face and steps screen. The device also beeps
Status: Turns off the activity tracking features.
TIPP! A hidratációs beállításokat személyre szabhatjuk, például meg-
or vibrates if audible tones are turned on
adhatjuk a mértékegységet és a napi célt a Garmin Connect fiókunk-
Move Alert: Displays a message and the move bar on the
digital watch face and steps screen. The device also beeps
Goal Alerts: Allows you to turn on and off goal alerts, or turn
or vibrates if audible tones are turned on
them off only during activities. Goal alerts appear for your
Menstruációs ciklus követése
daily steps goal, daily floors climbed goal, and weekly
Goal Alerts: Allows you to turn on and off goal alerts, or turn
Menstruációs ciklusunk egészségünk fontos részét képezi. A Garmin Connect
intensity minutes goal.
them off only during activities. Goal alerts appear for your
alkalmazás Egészség statisztika beállításaiban többet tudhatunk meg, illetve
Move IQ: Allows your device to automatically start and save a
daily steps goal, daily floors climbed goal, and weekly
timed walking or running activity when the Move IQ feature
beállíthatjuk ezt a funkciót.
intensity minutes goal.
After you complete your run, select STOP to stop the timer.
detects familiar movement patterns.
Move IQ: Allows your device to automatically start and save a
• Menstruációs ciklus követése és részletes információk
Select an option:
Sleep Pulse Ox: Allows your device to record up to four hours
timed walking or running activity when the Move IQ feature
of pulse oximeter readings while you sleep.
• Fizikai és érzelmi tünetek
• Select Resume to restart the timer.
detects familiar movement patterns.
Turning Off Activity Tracking
• Select Save to save the run and reset the timer. You can
• Menstruáció és termékenység előrejelzések
Sleep Pulse Ox: Allows your device to record up to four hours
select the run to view a summary.
When you turn off activity tracking, your steps, floors climbed,
of pulse oximeter readings while you sleep.
• Egészségi és táplálkozási információk
intensity minutes, sleep tracking, and Move IQ events are not
Turning Off Activity Tracking
NE FELEDJÜK! A Garmin Connect alkalmazás segítségével új widgeteket
When you turn off activity tracking, your steps, floors climbed,
adhatunk a készülékhez, illetve eltávolíthatjuk azokat.
From the watch face, hold UP.
intensity minutes, sleep tracking, and Move IQ events are not
Select Settings > Activity Tracking > Status > Off.
From the watch face, hold UP.
A Forerunner készülékek csukló alapú pulzusmérővel rendelkeznek, azon-
Heart Rate Features
Select Settings > Activity Tracking > Status > Off.
Go for a run.
ban kompatibilisek mellkasi pulzusmérőkkel is. A csukló alapú pulzusmé-
The Forerunner device has a wrist-based heart rate monitor and
réssel mért adatokat a pulzusszám widgetben tekinthetjük meg. Amennyi-
Heart Rate Features
is also compatible with chest heart rate monitors. You can view
ben mind a csukló alapú, mind a mellkasi pulzusmusmérő is használat-
• Select Resume Later to suspend the run and continue
heart rate data on the heart rate widget. If both wrist-based heart
recording later.
The Forerunner device has a wrist-based heart rate monitor and
ban van, a készülék a mellkasi mérőtől érkező adatokat fogja felhasználni.
rate and chest heart rate data are available, your device uses
is also compatible with chest heart rate monitors. You can view
the chest heart rate data.
• Select Lap to mark a lap.
Az alapértelmezett widget sorban számos pulzusszámmal kapcsolatos funk-
heart rate data on the heart rate widget. If both wrist-based heart
There are several heart rate-related features available in the
• Select Discard > Yes to delete the run.
ció érhető el.
rate and chest heart rate data are available, your device uses
default widget loop.
the chest heart rate data.
Aktuális pulzusszámunk percenkénti szívdobbanás szerint (BPM),
Your current heart rate in beats per minute (bpm). The widget also
There are several heart rate-related features available in the
displays a graph of your heart rate for the last four hours,
default widget loop.
valamint az elmúlt négy órás intervallumot lefedő pulzusszám gra-
highlighting your highest and lowest heart rate.
Your device can be used for indoor, outdoor, athletic, and fitness
After you complete your run, select STOP to stop the timer.
fikon, kiemelve az aznapi legalacsonyabb és legmagasabb pulzus-
Your current heart rate in beats per minute (bpm). The widget also
Your current stress level. The device measures your heart rate
activities. When you start an activity, the device displays and
displays a graph of your heart rate for the last four hours,
Select an option:
variability while you are inactive to estimate your stress level. A
records sensor data. You can save activities and share them
(System Settings,
highlighting your highest and lowest heart rate.
lower number indicates a lower stress level.
with the Garmin Connect
• Select Resume to restart the timer.
Aktuális stressz-szint. A készülék inaktivitás, nyugodt időtöltés során
Your current stress level. The device measures your heart rate
You can also add Connect IQ
• Select Save to save the run and reset the timer. You can
variability while you are inactive to estimate your stress level. A
méri a pulzusszámban bekövetkezett változásokat a stressz-szint
your Garmin Connect account
lower number indicates a lower stress level.
becsléséhez. A kisebb érték alacsonyabb stresszt jelent.
Heart Rate Features
For more information about activity tracking and fitness metric
Aktuális Body Battery™ energiaszint. A készülék az alvásidő,
Your current Body Battery
accuracy, go to
your current energy reserves based on sleep, stress, and activity
stressz és tevékenységi adatok alapján kiszámítja aktuális energia-
Your current Body Battery
data. A higher number indicates a higher energy reserve.
Heart Rate Features
your current energy reserves based on sleep, stress, and activity
Starting an Activity
tartalékainkat. A magasabb érték több energiát jelent.
The current saturation of oxygen in your blood. Knowing your
data. A higher number indicates a higher energy reserve.
oxygen saturation can help you determine how your body is
When you start an activity, GPS turns on automatically (if
Vérünk aktuális oxigéntelítettségi szintje. Ha ismerjük az oxigéntelí-
The current saturation of oxygen in your blood. Knowing your
adapting to exercise and stress.
required). When you stop the activity, the device returns to
oxygen saturation can help you determine how your body is
tettségi szintünket, könnyebben láthatjuk, testünk hogyan alkalmaz-
NOTE: The pulse oximeter sensor is located on the back of the
watch mode.
adapting to exercise and stress.
kodik az edzéshez és a stresszhez.
From the watch face, select START.
NOTE: The pulse oximeter sensor is located on the back of the
• Select Resume Later to suspend the run and continue
Select an activity.
MEGJEGYZÉS! A pulzoxi-méter érzékelő a készülék hátulján talál-
Wrist-based Heart Rate
If necessary, follow the on-screen instructions to enter
Wrist-based Heart Rate
• Select Lap to mark a lap.
Wearing the Device
additional information.
Csukló alapú pulzusszámmérés
• Select Discard > Yes to delete the run.
• Wear the device above your wrist bone.
If necessary, wait while the device connects to your ANT+
Wearing the Device
NOTE: The device should be snug but comfortable. For more
• Wear the device above your wrist bone.
Karóra viselése és a pulzusszám mérése
accurate heart rate readings, the device should not move
If the activity requires GPS, go outside, and wait while the
NOTE: The device should be snug but comfortable. For more
• Csuklócsontunk felett hordjuk az órát, a pulzusszám megfelelő mérésé-
while running or exercising. For pulse oximeter readings, you
device locates satellites.
accurate heart rate readings, the device should not move
hez pedig a szíjat szorosan (de ne annyira, hogy a szíj kényelmetlenné
should remain motionless.
Your device can be used for indoor, outdoor, athletic, and fitness
while running or exercising. For pulse oximeter readings, you
Select START to start the timer.
váljon) húzzuk meg csuklónk körül. Az óra futás vagy edzés közben ne
activities. When you start an activity, the device displays and
should remain motionless.
NOTE: The device does not record your activity data until
records sensor data. You can save activities and share them
mozogjon, ne lötyögjön. Pulzoximéter méréshez mozdulatlannak kell len-
you start the timer.
with the Garmin Connect
Tips for Recording Activities
You can also add Connect IQ
your Garmin Connect account
• Charge the device before starting an activity
Device, page
For more information about activity tracking and fitness metric
• Select
accuracy, go to
• Select UP or DOWN to view additional data pages.
NOTE: The optical sensor is located on the back of the
Starting an Activity
NOTE: The optical sensor is located on the back of the
• See
Tips for Erratic Heart Rate Data, page 9
When you start an activity, GPS turns on automatically (if
information about wrist-based heart rate.
• See
Tips for Erratic Heart Rate Data, page 9
required). When you stop the activity, the device returns to
• See
Tips for Erratic Pulse Oximeter Data, page 17
information about wrist-based heart rate.
watch mode.
information about the pulse oximeter sensor.
• See
Tips for Erratic Pulse Oximeter Data, page 17
From the watch face, select START.
• For more information about accuracy, go to
information about the pulse oximeter sensor.
Select an activity.
automatic goals, your goal increases on the days
record an activity. When you exercise, you need m
replace the sweat lost.
NOTE: You can use the Garmin Connect app to a
remove widgets.
Using the Hydration Tracking Widget
The hydration tracking widget displays your fluid in
daily hydration goal.
From the watch face, select UP or DOWN to vi
hydration widget.
Select START.
Select an option:
, and select Settings > Activity
• Select
for each serving of fluid you consu
• Select a container to increase your fluid inta
, and select Settings > Activity
volume of the container.
TIP: You can customize your hydration settings
(System Settings,
units of measure and daily goal, on your Garmi
(System Settings,
Menstrual Cycle Tracking
Your menstrual cycle is an important part of your h
can learn more and set up this feature in the Healt
settings of the Garmin Connect app.
• Menstrual cycle tracking and details
• Physical and emotional symptoms
• Period and fertility predictions
• Health and nutrition information
NOTE: You can use the Garmin Connect app to a
remove widgets.
Heart Rate Features
Pulzusmérés funkciók
The Forerunner device has a wrist-based heart ra
is also compatible with chest heart rate monitors. Y
heart rate data on the heart rate widget. If both wr
rate and chest heart rate data are available, your d
the chest heart rate data.
There are several heart rate-related features avail
default widget loop.
Your current heart rate in beats per minute (bpm). T
displays a graph of your heart rate for the last four h
highlighting your highest and lowest heart rate.
Your current stress level. The device measures you
variability while you are inactive to estimate your str
lower number indicates a lower stress level.
activity apps to your device using
Your current Body Battery
(Connect IQ Features,
select the run to view a summary.
your current energy reserves based on sleep, stress
data. A higher number indicates a higher energy res
The current saturation of oxygen in your blood. Know
energy level. The device calculates
oxygen saturation can help you determine how your
energy level. The device calculates
adapting to exercise and stress.
NOTE: The pulse oximeter sensor is located on the
Wrist-based Heart Rate
Wearing the Device
recording later.
• Wear the device above your wrist bone.
NOTE: The device should be snug but comfort
accurate heart rate readings, the device should
while running or exercising. For pulse oximeter
should remain motionless.
activity apps to your device using
(Connect IQ Features,
to record laps.
for more
for more
Wearing the
• Wear the de
Wearing the
accurate hea
• Wear the de
while runnin
should rema
accurate hea
while runnin
should rema
• See
Tips for
information a
• See
Tips for
• See
Tips for
information a
information a
• For more inf
• See
Tips for
information a
Tips for Errat
• For more inf
If the heart rate
these tips.
Tips for Errat
• Clean and d
If the heart rate
• Avoid wearin
these tips.
the device.
• Clean and d
• Avoid scratc
• Avoid wearin
the device.
• Wear the de
• Avoid scratc
be snug but
• Wait until the
• Wear the de
• Warm up for
be snug but
before startin
• Wait until the
NOTE: In co
• Warm up for
• Rinse the de
before startin
Viewing the H
NOTE: In co
• Rinse the de
The widget disp
(bpm) and a gra
Viewing the H
From the wa
The widget disp
rate widget.
(bpm) and a gra
From the wa
rate widget.
Select STAR
for the last 7
Select STAR
for the last 7
energy level. The device
(Charging the
for more
for more