- ページ 9

サンダー Hi-Tech Diamond All-U-NeedのPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Hi-Tech Diamond All-U-Need 16 ページ。

Grinding & Polishing Process
Step 5: Tech-10 Polish Pad w/ 14,000 Diamond Compound
The white Tech-10 Pad needs to be charged with the 14,000 Mesh
Diamond Compound. This is used for the final polish on your stone.
This pad is NOT to be used with water. Run it dry. The Diamond
Compound mixture contains its own carriers, making this unnecessary.
However, if you are working with Brittle heat sensitive material such
as opal, be careful not to let your work piece get too hot. Lower your
RPM and check your work piece frequently to avoid this. To charge
your polishing pad, take the syringe of 14,000 Mesh Diamond
Compound, remove the cap and squeeze a small amount onto your
Tech-10 Pad. Turn your machine on so that it spins slowly. Use your fingers to distribute the Diamond
Compound overwork area of the Tech-10 Pad. Once you have charged your Tech-10 Pad, turn your
machine on to working speed and apply work piece. Use only one type of polishing compound per
polishing pad.


Oiling: The only thing you ever oil on your All-U-Need machine is the inside of the 2" arbor. This is
necessary because the motor shaft and arbor are made of different materials. Over time, they can
seize together, making it impossible to remove the arbor. Every two months or so, remove the arbor by
sticking the hexagonal wrench into the set screw, turning counter-clockwise. Turn the arbor upside
down. Apply a few drops of motor oil or way oil in the area where it fits on the shaft, making sure there
is no excess oil. Make sure that no oil drips down the motor shaft. This will cause an instant motor
burn-out. A bit of lithium or water pump grease will serve as well. When putting the arbor back on the
shaft, be sure the screw is positioned against the flat side of the motor shaft. If the screw is positioned
against a rounded side of the shaft, it will make a squeaking noise and create friction, causing the
motor shaft to feel hot. Once the arbor is properly positioned, check the set screw for tightness on the
arbor, using the hexagonal wrench. Do not over tighten the screw, as you will need to remove it regu-
larly to clean the tray. The arbor may be adjusted up and down if necessary to keep the spinning disc
below the black spray shield.
Set Screw
Cleaning: After every use, the All-U-Need is easily disassembled for cleaning. Rinse the black
splash guard and flush out white catch tray with CLEAN water. Any used water must NOT be disposed
down a sink as it can harden like cement, closing off the drain. Allow the machine to dry completely
then store it in a safe place, away from children.